Private Security Hired to Assist Redcliffe Workers Amid Rough Sleeper Site Concerns

Redcliffe rough sleepers

Private security has been deployed in Redcliffe to accompany workers after reports of escalating violence near rough sleeper sites raised safety concerns for workers tasked to maintain public spaces.

Safety Measures for Council Workers

Since 30 December 2024, the City of Moreton Bay introduced the measure to protect workers tasked with maintaining public spaces, including parks and beaches. These workers have been instructed to remain 50 metres away from such sites unless accompanied by private security staff. 

A spokesperson said these steps comply with a Workplace Health and Safety Queensland order and aim to safeguard employees while ensuring the cleanliness of public facilities. The decision followed numerous complaints about overflowing bins and unsanitary conditions, particularly in Redcliffe and nearby Woody Point.

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Community Response

Community members and advocates have expressed mixed views on the decision. Beau Haywood, founder of the community initiative Nourish Street, questioned the necessity of hiring private security, noting he had not observed any incidents of abuse or violence involving rough sleepers in the area.

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Local Resources

Jaki Rose, a who camps at Woody Point, voiced concerns that delays in maintaining facilities could harm both the homeless and the general public. She stated that she and others in her situation had often taken on cleaning responsibilities themselves to prevent health risks.

Increase in Homelessness

The City of Moreton Bay estimates around 200 individuals are experiencing regional housing insecurity, marking a sharp increase over the past decade. Council reports a 250 per cent rise in referrals for rough sleepers in the last two years alone. 

Redcliffe rough sleepers deal with housing insecurity
Photo Credit: Pexels

Mr Peter Flannery noted that complaints about public health, safety, and amenity issues in areas such as Redcliffe and Woody Point have surged in response to this trend.

In addition to hiring security, Council recently passed new regulations prohibiting homeless people from owning pets, citing safety concerns. The move has faced criticism from some who argue it unfairly targets a vulnerable population.

Efforts to Balance Safety and Compassion

While officials emphasised the need to address safety and hygiene issues, some locals believe the measures may alienate homeless individuals. Advocacy groups have called for more supportive interventions, such as housing initiatives, to address the root causes of homelessness in the area.

Despite differing perspectives, the priority of ensuring the safety of workers, residents, and visitors while maintaining public spaces remains.

Published 2-Jan-2025