Spectacular Blubber Jellyfish Swarm Amazes Woody Point Resident

Jellyfish Woody Point

A breathtaking natural phenomenon left Woody Point resident Robert Webber in awe during his daily morning stroll. The serene coastal town witnessed the arrival of an astonishing number of blubber jellyfish, creating a mesmerising spectacle along the jetty area.

Having relocated to Woody Point in the spring of 2022, Mr. Webber was no stranger to the beauty of the area’s coastline. However, the sight of hundreds, if not thousands, of blubber jellyfish congregating near the jetty, at around 9:00 a.m. on 27 Sept 2023, was unlike anything he had ever seen before.

As the jellyfish bloom drifted gracefully in the tranquil waters, Mr. Webber seized the opportunity to capture this stunning display with his camera, sharing the remarkable images with the local community.

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“We’re new to the area but have never seen anything like this before,” Mr. Webber exclaimed, clearly captivated by the sight. His awe-inspiring photographs quickly garnered attention on social media platforms, drawing admirers and sparking curiosity about the blubber jellyfish.

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Blubber jellyfish, scientifically known as Catostylus mosaicus and commonly referred to as blue bluffer jellyfish, are native to Australia’s east coast. While it is not uncommon to spot these jellyfish in the waters, witnessing such a large gathering is a rare and enchanting experience.

The blubber jellyfish’s sting is known to be painful but generally poses no serious risk to humans. Their tentacles are equipped with specialized cells called nematocysts, which contain tiny harpoon-like structures used for capturing prey and deterring potential threats. While a blubber jellyfish’s sting can be uncomfortable, it is not considered life-threatening to humans and typically results in mild irritation.

Local marine experts are intrigued by the congregation of blubber jellyfish in such large numbers. While the exact cause of this phenomenon remains uncertain, factors such as water temperature, current patterns, and the availability of prey are believed to influence their movement and clustering behavior.

Published 30-Sept-2023

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